Friday, June 1, 2012

Solo Journey Day One

 "A writer is working when he's staring out of the window." Burton Rascoe

Woke up sick. No vocal exercises, no work-out, but I wrote for two and a half hours. OK, that doesn't mean actually wrote non-stop. My writing goes like this:
  1. Write a sentence
  2. Fact check on Google
  3. While fact checking, research whether or not Gloria Allred is representing John Travolta's accusers and whether or not more accusers have come forward
  4. Tweak a sentence
  5. Stare at the page
  6. Wish my ex-stepdaughter "Happy Birthday" on Facebook
  7. Make some tea
  8. Give myself a small lecture on my lack of focus
  9. Stare at the page
  10. Rewrite a critical moment in the middle of the piece
  11. Read it aloud
  12. Research sound cues for the critical moment which include an audio of a human heartbeat
  13. Consider a Native American drumbeat as well as a heartbeat
  14. Listen to and download samples of both
  15. Eat some blueberries
  16. Eat some almonds
  17. Make a genius move on Words With Friends
  18. Stare at the page
  19. Rewrite the ending to include revelations I had the day after my first performance
  20. Read aloud
  21. Feel satisfied
  22. Feel unsure
  23. Email Shalom, Ellen Bass's assistant and beg to rejoin my old writing group
  24. Take out a sentence
  25. And so on
I've decided to accept that this is my process (see quote at top of page). What's important is that I've set aside time and actually faced the page.

More things that help: 
Snap Judgement: Storytelling with a Beat 
Download weekly podcast on i-tunes
Told live in Oakland

(also available on i-tunes) 
At first I thought this guy, Marc Maron, was just an obnoxious ranter, but he does some really in-depth interviews with performers that cut right to the heart of things.
 I am now an unapologetic Fuckaneer. 

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