Friday, July 20, 2012

Mid-Week Feedback-

I thought Wednesday night was going to be the lightest night in terms of attendance BUT we got a great turn-out. What a difference a full-house makes for a performer. It's a great lesson in promoting a show even when part of me doesn't want an audience--especially for the first couple of nights. A full-energetic audience makes it a much better experience for everyone. Especially when the pieces are comedic. It was so fun to pause for long stretches to ride the waves of laughter!
Here are excerpts of comments heard after the show:
"He should be on the big screen!" "Your character was hilarious and painful to watch--like that movie 'Best in Show'" "I love the way the stories connect--and how you all come on stage at the end.." "A really wonderful example of solo-work and storytelling." "So eclectic, covering a wide emotional range. It was fun to have bursts of comedy between the more serious pieces." "Terrific! So glad I came!"
Overall, it's been a good experience, and I don't know if I'll do it again. I've gained such respect for the pros--for their ability to summon the energy and courage to go onstage night-after-night regardless of what's going on in their personal lives, regardless of the size of the audience or the response. 
I'm looking forward to my next venture--Co-Producing a monthly storytelling/solo performing event. So excited about providing a local platform for performers in Santa Cruz as well as "exporting" and sharing the talented people I've worked with in San Francisco. 
Save the date: 
Word up! A brand new, monthly-venue for solo-freaks, storytellers and the people who love them
Produced by
Christine Silver and Laurie Guerin

Where: Broadway Playhouse
When: October 28, 2012
Time: 7:00-9:00

Call for submissions:
Do you have a spooky, grown-up ghost story? We are looking for written-by-you, 10-minute pieces by solo performers and storytellers for our kick-off event. Send your ideas, submissions and questions to:

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